Part one
There's this ugly puppet which cals itself a hero and wears a scuba costume and throws it self into the toilet so that it can save the other heroes caught by the bad guy inside a turkey ( which needs to be cooked ). It must get there fast enough to save them before entering the oven.It flushes and gets in tne kitchen right in time to save the situation.
It then can join Thunder Girl, Meltman, The Flesh and The Chief and continue saving people and toys all over the country.
Action League!
Part two
Pentru ca nu ma pot abtine, dar nu vreau sa ma BAG SINGURA in seama: nu inteleg de ce , repet, DE CE a trebuit sa ma implici TU pe mine in toata faza asta, cand, sunt de parere ca, nici macar NU aveai DREPTUL sa vorbesti despre mine, ca oricum CU mine...nu se pune problema!..sau ce? m.oi vedea vreo FANA!?!
Portalul magic
sâmbătă, 25 aprilie 2009
Publicat de Denisa la 18:17 4 comentarii
My grass is green!
joi, 16 aprilie 2009
Someone once told me the grass is much greener on the other side...
Publicat de Denisa la 01:05 5 comentarii
you could be my soul mate, but one day I could walk besides you, don't realize who you are and lose you forever
sâmbătă, 11 aprilie 2009
My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before
If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
I think it's because I'm clumsy
I try not to talk too loud
Maybe it's because I'm crazy
I try not to act too proud
They only hit until you cry
And after that you don't ask why
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore
Yes I think I'm okay
I walked into the door again
Well, if you ask that's what I'll say
It's not your business anyway
I guess I'd like to be alone
With nothing broken, nothing thrown
Just don't ask me how I am
Just don't ask me how I am
Just don't ask me how I am
My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you...
Publicat de Denisa la 02:35 0 comentarii
sunt revoltata
cine a editat poza? eu! faceam cu ochiu'..daca nu ma insel?!
ce zici de asta? Zack Efron? cam doarmi cu ariciul!
ce san ai aici Alina=)) uite la ai mei ce frumusei sunt:>!
m.am decis in mod clar ca nu mai vreau hi5 frate, da' nu e cinstit, pasarici dragi, ca voi ma cam desconsiderati?! adica ce ma numa "bosi de bosii" au voie sa vada profile "private"? sau care.i smenu'? e o moda mai nou, huh? ca vad ca toata lumea o abordeaza.. acu' vezi ca.si face si valy profilul sau albumele asa ca de'!!! ce tre' sa vada tot prostul sexualitatea si rautatea lui? si ca sa nu mai zic, miericicilor, de ce la marcarile alea pe poza eu sunt mai prejos?ce ma? io nu fac parte? poate din hi5 nu, da' din poza....!!!!!!fiti atente ca vreau link albastru la denisa.. altfel vi.l faceti si voi gri, clar?!?!
Publicat de Denisa la 01:16 6 comentarii
joi, 2 aprilie 2009
You should just see me now, because you could never say that again... you should make the difference between our ways of growing up.
I actually try not to be so mature and try to enjoy things the way they are, not by making them as I want.
Publicat de Denisa la 23:38 0 comentarii